LNR 5575 CE
Linear w55h75

Surface Mounted


Chassis: Aluminium body with anodized and/or electrostatic powder coated

Diffuser: PC / PMMA Opal and Microprismatic diffuser

LED & Driver: Samsung, Osram, Tridonic, Philips, MeanWell, Eaglerise vb.

Option: Intelligent systems (DALI-DIM) and emergency kits

Chasis Colors

Light Colors

Light Beam



LINEAR BACK LIGHT fixtures are solutions that provide high efficiency in many architectural applications due to their flexibility, excellent performance, aesthetic appeal and being able to be mounted on almost any ceiling type. It is frequently preferred by lighting designers in projects due to its surface mounted, recessed mounted and pendant mounting options, aesthetic appearance and ease of application. The fact that they can be produced with different lengths and different profile sizes allows lighting designers to create unique designs in the field of application. With its high efficiency LEDs, dot reflectors and different diffuser alternatives, it offers multiple options in producing comfortable and need-oriented lights. Using light colors at different temperatures from warm white to cool white, adjustable white and RGBW color applications, direct/ indirect lighting option, lighting controls such as DALI and DIM, creating atmospheres in a place that match the biological rhythm of the human are just a few of the options that make LINEAR BACK LIGHTS an easy choice.

Technical Information

Uzunluk Lenght (mm) Güç Power (W) Işık GücüVerimlilikIşık Rengi Color (K) Giriş Gerilimi Input Voltage(VAC) Renk Aralığı SDCM CRI CRI (Ra) 
   Lumen (lm)Efficiency (lm/W)   
62019 19441002700K   
102032 3240100    
122039 38881003000K   
152049 4860100    
182058 58321004000K220-240VACMacAdam 3>80
202065 6480100    
242078 77761006500K   
302097 9720100    
LINEAR 5575 – LED Low Power (Opal Difüzör / Opal Diffuser)      
62013 12961002700K   
102022 2160100    
122026 25921003000K   
152032 3240100    
182039 38881004000K220-240VACMacAdam 3>80
202043 4320100    
242052 51841006500K   
302065 6480100    
LINEAR 5575 – LED High Power (Mikroprizmatik Difüzör / MicroprismaticDiffuser)     
62019 27221402700K   
102032 4536140    
122039 54431403000K   
152049 6804140    
182058 81651404000K220-240VACMacAdam 3>80
202065 9072140    
242078 108861406500K   
302097 13608140    
LINEAR 5575 – LED Low Power (Mikroprizmatik Difüzör / MicroprismaticDiffuser)     
62013 18141402700K   
102022 3024140    
122026 36291403000K   
152032 4536140    
182039 54431404000K220-240VACMacAdam 3>80
202043 6048140    
242052 72581406500K   
302065 9072140    


Technical Drawings & Dimensions

linear 5575 rc teknik
